Account setup for single location vs multi-location companies

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

The StrengthPortal platform was designed to have the flexibility to meet the needs of a variety of different fitness business. When we begin our relationship with a new business we ask several questions to ensure that the account settings match your needs:

How many locations does your business have?

What personal training services are you currently offering?

Will members work with one trainer exclusively or be shared by the full training team?

Single location companies: For fitness businesses with one location we've designed the flow so your account setup can be done automatically. When you create an account on StrengthPortal you automatically become the account owner and admin for your company. You'll have the ability to add more trainers and clients through the organization page and manage your exercise library.

Multi-location companies: As implied by our onboarding flows, multi-location fitness businesses require a custom setup by the StrengthPortal team. Our team will coordinate with yours to setup a master account for a member of your team to manage (usually a member for the HQ Personal Training department). The master account will be the source of truth for the integrations, company settings and rules, and exercise and program library content. Once this account is ready we will create a new company account for each location in your company to link to the master account. Once the new organization IDs have been created we will create your user accounts through one of our supported integrations or through a CSV upload. 

To schedule a call with an account manager please click here.

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