User creation through API integrations

How to set up and import users through our supported API integrations
Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

What integrations does StrengthPortal support for account setup and user onboarding?

  • Jonas Fitness
  • Mindbody

Who are these integrations designed for?
If you are an Jonas Fitness or Mindbody customer with the following business profile you will benefit from this integration:

  • Multi-location gym chains
  • Health clubs
  • Single location gyms
  • Personal training studios

What does the integration do?
These integrations are designed to make it incredibly easy for your team to onboard and continually manage your gym locations, user profiles, and trainer-client relationships. When your integration is activated by your StrengthPortal account manager we will pull in the following info:

  • Location IDs
  • User profiles (name and emails) for: Staff, Members, and Trainer-client relationships.

After the first data sync your account manager can sync with your Mindbody account at any time to pull in the latest data. Our main goal for this integration is to save your training team time so they don’t have to continually manually add accounts across the two software platforms.

 Activating your Mindbody integration as a single location gym or studio
If you are the account manager (owner or superadmin) of your StrengthPortal account you can follow these steps to activate the integration and pull in data:

  • Go to Organization - Click Add Users (top right).
  • Click Import users.
  • Select the integration you would like to turn on. You'll be taken to Account Settings - Integrations.
  • Enter your Site ID (find it in your Mindbody account settings).
    Confirm the generated activation link
  • Select your Location ID and match the Mindbody account ID as the Account Owner (you).
  • Click Start sync to pull in data.
  • When the user list is pulled in you'll view a list of staff members. You can select the staff that you'd like to invite as managers or trainers to your StrengthPortal organization. An invitation email will be sent to each user you select.
  • Go to the Organization page to view newly created user profiles.

Setting up MindBody integration with multiple locations: 
Contact our team through chat or email for account setup so we can set this up manually for your team.

Activating your Jonas Fitness integration 
If you are the account manager (owner or superadmin) of your StrengthPortal account please reach out to our team to set up a call for integration activation.

Looking to activate an integration outside of our supported integrations? Please reach out to our team to set up a call.

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