Client Notes

How to best use the notes feature for your clients
Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 2 years ago

Where to find Client Notes

  • Starting on the Client Management page click into your Clients Profile and then click on the Notes tab (upper middle section of the page to the right of Data Visualization)
  • Client Profile - Overview - Recent activity feed: Notes will be displayed within the feed with a timestamp and the name of the note-taker
  • Enrolled programs - Tracking mode - Exercise sidedrawer: When tracking workouts you'll be able to click on an exercise to open the exercise sidedrawer which has exercise history data, a feed for previous notes taken for that client and specific exercise, and the ability to add a new note.  

How to best use the notes feature for your clients profile and history
The client notes feature within StrengthPortal was designed for training teams and individual trainers to add and keep track of important notes that will help them deliver a high quality training experience. We all know that training a client is much more than just writing a workout program and looking at the data of previous workouts. Here are several examples of notes that might help frame how to best use this feature:

  • Initial Assessment and check-ins
  • Medical and injury history
  • Health and fitness goals
  • Exercise specific goals
  • Cues that work for your client with specific exercises 
  • Conversations from training sessions to build client rapport
  • Reflections on completed workout programs

Notes feature breakdown:

  • Ability to add a note with the following formatting options available through the text editor: Adjust text size, bolden text, italicize text, underline text, embed links within text, numbered lists, and bullet lists.
  • Ability to view notes taken by all trainers in your company who have worked with this client
  • Ability to view and scroll through previous notes taken in the notes history
  • Ability to search for specific text within the notes history
  • Ability to add tags to notes 
  • Ability to filter the notes history for specific tags

Feature walkthrough: Coming soon

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