Enrolled program features

Program features designed to save you time
Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 3 years ago

After enrolling a client into a workout program there are a number of features that you can access to save you time:

Active programs and Archived Programs
When you click into the workout programs feed you'll view a list of all currently enrolled workout programs. To view previously completed or archived workout programs that were enrolled to the client click the Active Programs dropdown and click Archived Programs. You'll be able to view and click into all previous workout programs and sessions to see what was tracked.

Note - Active programs are automatically switched from the active programs  feed to the Archived programs feed when all workout sessions are completed.

Program actions
When you've enrolled a workout program you'll see a program actions dropdown button (three dots to the far right of the program name) that has the following actions for you to use:

  • Re-enroll program: This feature was designed to save you time by allowing you to re-use the workout program. For example, let's say that you have a four week workout program that you've been editing along the way and don't want to re-write from scratch. If you click re-enroll program the platform will make a copy of the program as is and automatically enroll it to the same client. All of the data will be copied over (sessions, exercises, exercise sets/reps/weight) but the program sessions will be uncompleted so you can start tracking fresh with your client.
  • Copy to My Library: This feature allows you to make a copy a workout program and add it to your My Library program list so you can re-use it for other clients in the future.
  • Share program: If your StrengthPortal account is setup as a Classic training model it means that you can only track workouts in programs that YOU have enrolled to a client. There are many scenarios where you may need to share a workout program to another trainer or receive access to a workout workout program (vacation, being out sick, etc). To support this need if you click into program actions you can access a list of all the trainers in your company by clicking share program. You'll have two options - View only (where the receiving party can only view the workout program) and Edit access (where the receiving party has full access to edit/track the workout program and sessions).
  • Print sessions: If you'd like to print workout sessions for yourself or to share with clients you can click this button and select specific workout sessions to print out.
  • Archive program: If you'd like to archive an active workout program before it's been completed click this button to reach the desired result.

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