Sharing a program to a client

Enroll shared programs to clients accounts for hybrid and online training
Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 3 years ago

When enrolling a client into a program you'll view two options:

  • Private - Private means that only you, the trainer, can view and track this workout program. This is intended to support the normal flow for 1on1 private training where trainers meet their clients in-person and track all the workouts.
  • Shared - Shared means that the program will be sent to the client so both you the trainer AND the client can view and track the workout program.

Activating a client for the first time
If a client is being sent a workout program for the first time this will trigger the activation process for that client and the following actions will take place:

  • An activation email will be sent to your client. The copy will say Your trainer (your name) is inviting you to the StrengthPortal mobile app to view and track your workout programs. There will be a call to action button for your client to create their StrengthPortal password.
  • Once the password is created your client will be prompted to download the StrengthPortal mobile app from their Apple app or Google play store.
  • When the app is downloaded to their tablet or mobile device they can login with their email and newly created password to view the workout program and track workouts from the program you've shared to their account.
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