Uploading exercise videos

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 2 years ago

What Type of Videos Can I Upload?
The StrengthPortal platform supports Youtube, Youtube shorts, and Vimeo video URLs to be saved within your web Exercise Library. These videos will immediately show up for any clients using an Apple tablet or phone that have a program with the exercise you uploaded a video for.  We are working on extending this feature to Android and will let you know when this feature is available for both platforms.

Can I replace a video of yours with one of my own?
Yes, you can overwrite the default exercise videos by following this flow:

  • Navigate to the exercise library.
  • Click on an exercise.
  • The edit exercise side drawer will open from the right side of the screen.
  • Add the video URL to the video section and hit save.
  • The video should display immediately if saved successfully.

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