Benefits of Workout Section templates

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

Within every Workout Session you'll have set workout sections that can be named and standardized to match your training system internally. Beyond the default sections from Workout Program templates that your SuperAdmin users have set you, the trainer, will also have the ability to create and name your own Workout Sections as seen in the picture above. The intention behind Workout Sections is to allow you to organize exercises within the Workout Session to clearly outline the intention behind them. Are these exercises programmed to be treated as a Warmup? Resistance Training? Cardio?

To help streamline the process of programming we've extended the concept of templates into Workout Sections. You have the ability to save any Workout Section to be added to any Workout Session in any Workout Program at any time. Instead of having to write multiple exercises over and over for clients programs you can use this feature to build your own system. For example, if you have built a Resistance Training section or a HIIT section that you would want to re-use for multiple clients you can now save that section as a template.

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