Creating a workout program template

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

There are two different paths to creating a workout program template. The first path is to create a new program from scratch to add to your program library. To do this, follow these steps:

  • In the Workout Template page click the Create button top right. 
  • A side drawer will expand from the right side for you to enter in the following information: Program name, weeks and sessions per week, and workout sections for each workout session.
  • Once you have the required information entered, hit the Create button and you will be taken into the Program Design view

The second path to creating a workout program template is to make a copy of a workout program template that already exists in your library. To copy a program template follow these steps:

  • Select a program by clicking the check box to the left of a program name.
  • The Actions button (to the right of the library dropdown) will become active. Click this to view the Copy Program button.
  • When you click Copy Program button a new program will be created automagically and you will be taken into the workout program view to start editing the new program right away. 
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