Creating a workout session template

How to create workout session templates
Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

There are two paths to creating a workout session template:

Path 1: Creating a new workout session

  • Click on Workout Templates - Select Sessions tab.
  • When you're in the Session Template list view you'll see a button top right to Create.
  • Click Add Session to open a drawer from the right hand side. Once you've added a workout session name and added the workout sections (optional) you'll be taken into the workout session editing view. 

Path 2: Saving a workout session from a workout program to re-use

  • Click into a workout program (template or enrolled)
  • Click the workout session menu
  • You'll see a session action available - Save as template
  • To finalize the save add a name for the session template
  • The template will immediately be available in your session list view and to use within programs.

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