Workout Template Library overview

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 1 year ago

The Workout Template Library view was built to support your personal training team with writing detailed workout programs, collaborating and sharing programs, and organizing your program templates. There are several key features to understand when getting started:

  • Every workout program that you create in your library is a template, modeled after the Google Docs workflow. This means you can create multiple versions of the same program by copying a program in your library, Version 1, and create a new program which will be Version 1a. This allows you to re-use program templates and will save you time with programming as you build up your program library.
  • When you enroll a program to a client the system continues this versioning pattern and will make a new copy of the program for that specific client. So, if you enroll Version 1 to a client they will be enrolled into Version 1a. This allows you to personalize Version 1a to match your clients needs without changing anything in Version 1.
  • If you're working with a training team you have the ability to share your Programs with everyone that is connected to your account as a template by making it a team template (switch the program from private to shared in the programming view). Team templates can be viewed and copied from by accessing the team Library filter.
  • Search, filtering, and sorting your library: There is a search functionality and program filters that allow you to easily navigate and find the exact program you're looking for as your library builds up over time.
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