Programming supersets and circuits

Written by Matt McGunagle
Updated 3 years ago

When programming you'll notice that for every exercise you add in a workout section it adds a number (1,2,3, and so on). If you're looking to adjust the numbering to program in a superset or circuit follow these steps:

  • Go to the second exercise that you would like to connect to the first (meaning turn 2 into 1b, for example) and click on it.
  • In the side drawer that expand from the right side go to the action buttons at the top and click SS (for superset). Close the drawer.
  • You'll notice that 1 will switch to 1a and 2 will switch to 1b. Every exercise after these two will also adjust to match the correct order and numbering.
  • If you'd like to continue to connect more exercises to this superset to turn it into a circuit simply continue this flow for the next exercise (to turn 2 into 1c). 

Note - You can repeat the process and click SS for a supersetted exercise to de-connect it and return it back to its previous state.

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